My Story - Candida-Vitalago-High Oxalates

candida vitalago high oxalates

My Story - Candida-Vitalago-High Oxalates

About 3 years ago I started having a lot of dental problems which lead to an excessive use of antibiotics as prescribed by my dentist.  At the time I was unaware how harmful antibiotics are and took them as instructed by my dentist without even a second thought.  I took two full courses of full spectrum antibiotics followed by a full coarse of z-pack antibiotics all within a two year period.

I remember beginning to feel sick and wondered if it had something to do with the pills I was taking.  I have heard my whole life that you should never quit taking antibiotics in the middle of a prescription so I stuck with it until the end.  It was not long after that that I really started showing symptoms.  All of a sudden one day I noticed that I had two half dollar size white patches on the front of my neck.  They seemed to appear overnight and I have never notice any white patches on my skin before, in fact my skin has always been very healthy, I never had acne growing up or any other blemishes.  A few days after noticing the white spots on my neck I noticed some much smaller ones in other places of my body, like on my index finger and my elbows.

I went to a dermatologist and was told I had vitilago, a skin condition where you lose pigment and are left with white patches.  I was then handed a pamphlet and was told there was nothing they could do.  After doing tons of online research and visiting many different doctors it seemed as if I was suffering from candida, an overgrowth of yeast in the gut that is often caused by poor diet (high sugar, high processed food consumption) or overuse of antibiotics.  (I was guilty of both)  In order to combat this overgrowth of yeast I went on a strict candida diet cutting out all sugar and carbs.  I have remained on that diet for almost 2 years now, it hasn't been easy.  I did however begin to see some results, the white patches have faded as well as some other symptoms and I have been feeling better overall.  With that being said I still didn't feel like I ever fully got rid of my symptoms (some of of the white patches are still present) and felt I was missing something.

That is when I learned from a urine test at yet another doctor that I had high levels of oxalate.  I began to research this and found that high levels of oxalate can cause some of the symptoms I was having.  I have since remained on the candida diet but have mad a few tweaks here and there to cut out the foods that I was still eating that were high on oxalates. (mostly nuts) 

This blog is to share with others what I have learned and to help my self continue to learn how I can improve my own health.  It hasn't been easy but I believe cutting down on oxalates may be the last step to recovery for me.  I did learn that overuse of antibiotics can destroy certain gut flora that would normally destroy excess oxalates.  It's as if I now have all the pieces of the puzzle and I just need to put the last few in place.


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