My Candida Oxalate Connection

Candida Oxalate Connection

My Candida Oxalate Connection

My story starts about 3 years ago.  I had a series of dental problems for which I was given 3 full doses of antibiotic.  Two of the doses were full spectrum antibiotics and the third was a z-pack.  At first I thought I was having an allergic reaction to the pills when my symptoms started.  I began having light color patches appear on my skin, thrush on my tongue and what appeared to be a fungal infection on my arm amongst other things.   I went to many doctors, medical and holistic, and nobody could diagnose me with any specific disorder or sickness.  I was told the white spots were vitalago, though I do not believe this to be true as some of them have disappeared and from the research I did online it is rare to reverse those symptoms.  To this day I have not ever received an answer and nobody has definitively told me my problems were caused by antibiotics though I have come quite certain that was the root cause of all my symptoms.

Another conclusion I came to from the information I gathered was that I was a classic over eater.  I generally ate 3 healthy meals a day but in over sized portions and indulged in many sweets in between.  This bad nutrition combine with my tendency to stress too much  and my antibiotic prescriptions I believe threw my body, especially my gut, off balance.  With that I came to the conclusion that I had leaky gut and possibly candida.  I continued my holistic doctors visit and followed a strict regimen of pro biotic, sugar free diet, and anti fungal supplements and foods (such as garlic).  I began to see some results but still did not feel as if I were really getting 100% better.  I found a new doctor recommended by a friend that is a medical/holistic doctor and he seemed to have some new answers for me.  Though I tested negative for candida in my urine I was shown to have a high oxalate count.  My doctor explained that high oxalate count is connected to candida and though it didn’t show in my urine test I should do a stool test as it is more accurate.  I am awaiting those results.  

So what is the candida oxalate connection?  Well when you have candida your gut is lacking in the proper good bacteria which helps degrade excess oxalate.  Too much oxalate can suppress your immune system which makes it difficult to fight off the candida.  It is like a whole vicious cycle due to lack of good bacteria in the gut.  And what kills your good gut bacteria?  Anti-Biotic’s.  It’s as if I now have the last puzzle piece and maybe I can finally kick all the symptoms once and for all.

I am currently eating foods low in oxalate and have hope that this will finally get my gut back in balance, it has been a long road but I am determined and I write this blog to help myself remember the patch I took so I can hopefully share with others someday my experience.

Thanks for reading.

The Candida Oxalate Connection
